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5 Steps for Perfectly Grilled Mushroom Skewers

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It’s always so easy to get caught up in deciding what to make for summer events, like barbeques, cookouts, and picnics — but we’re here to help! 

This summer, take a stab a grilled mushroom kebabs — they’re delicious, relatively easy to put together, and can be created in a number of ways, perfect for even the picky eaters. Plus, kebabs are a great way to utilize any extra veggies and meat you have leftover by reinventing them into a colorful appetizer or healthy main dish.

Below, we’re sharing some tips specifically for grilling mushroom kebabs, but we’ve also included grilling advice for almost any ingredient you can dream of kebabin’!

  1. Step 1: Prepare and Chop Your Ingredients
  2. Step 2: Decide Whether To Marinate, Season, or Baste Your Mushroom Kebabs
  3. Step 3: Prepare and Preheat the Grill
  4. Step 4: String Your Ingredients Onto the Skewers
  5. Step 5: Grill Your Delicious Kebabs

Five Steps for Cooking Kebabs With Mushrooms

Step 1: Prepare and Chop Your Ingredients

First, you’ll want to grab your ingredients out of the fridge and begin prepping. 

You’ll want to clean your produce by rinsing it off in a colander and letting it drip dry. 

Mushrooms, however, require a different kind of prep than traditional kebab favorites. To clean your mushrooms, gently wipe with a damp paper towel or lint-free cloth. 

You never want to rinse mushrooms directly under water, as they’re made up of 95% water and their porous texture will absorb the moisture and ruin your delicious fungi. Check out our mushroom preparation tips for a complete guide on proper cleaning.

How To Cut Mushrooms for Kabobs (and Other Ingredients Too!)

To make kebabs, you’ll need bite-sized pieces, so you should start by chopping your mushrooms, vegetables, meats, and other ingredients. Here are our recommended guidelines for chopping: 

  • For veggies, if it is larger than 1.5”, cut into 1x1-inch cubes. 
  • For meat, slice into 1.5 x 1.5-inch squares.
  • For mushrooms, if it is 1.5” or smaller, leave it whole. If larger than 1.5”, cut the shroom in half. If it’s larger than 2.5”, cut into quarters. If grilling the mighty Portabella cap, slice 1” thick to kebab the mushroom or simply cook and serve the whole cap as a side.

Step 2: Decide Whether To Marinate, Season, or Baste Your Mushroom Kebabs

Kebabs can taste even better if marinated, seasoned, or basted prior to grilling. 

Should you choose to whip up a marinade, give the ingredients adequate time to soak up the flavor before hitting the grill. For vegetables and mushrooms, you need to marinate the ingredients for 20 minutes at room temperature. Meat or poultry should have at least an hour soak in the fridge — overnight for a more robust flavor. Seafood like fish and shrimp are also best to refrigerate while marinating, but only for up to an hour. 

If you prefer to season or baste your kebabs, make sure you string your skewers (step 4!) before doing so. It’s much easier to lather them in oil or herbs when they’re on the skewers rather than struggling with sticky or slippery fingers.

Looking for some inspiration on what kind of mushroom kebabs to make? Explore our Summer Grilling Guide for delicious ideas!


Step 3: Prepare and Preheat the Grill

To get started, make sure your grill is clean by brushing down the grates. Depending on what type of grill you’re using, it’s time to either light it up or stack the briquettes. 

If you’re using a gas grill, go ahead and turn it on high. 

If you’re using a charcoal grill, follow these steps:

  1. Stack briquettes in a chimney grill starter over wads of newspaper. You need enough briquettes to evenly cover the bottom of the grill.
  2. Light briquettes from the bottom and watch them burst into flames.
  3. Wait 10 minutes and then check on your briquettes. If they’ve started to turn grey, dump them into the bottom half of the grill.
  4. Once all coals are gray, you’re ready to start grilling! 

Now it’s time to gather your tools! It’s a great idea to have tongs, a hot pad, a meat thermometer, and any of the items from the image below:


Step 4: String Your Ingredients Onto the Skewers

After your ingredients have marinated (or before seasoning them), string the chopped ingredients onto your skewers. 

If you’re using wooden skewers, be sure to soak them in a water bath for 20 minutes prior to skewering to prevent them from catching fire while on the grill. 

Don’t forget to have fun when creating your skewers! One way to do this is to alternate your ingredients to give your kebabs a perfect rainbow of colors or a balanced aesthetic. 

Need some ideas? Check out these 7 summer-inspired recipes

If you chose to season your skewers instead of marinating them, now is the time to brush your kebab ingredients with olive oil or butter. Then, sprinkle with your favorite seasonings, like salt, pepper, or fresh herbs.

Step 5: Grill Your Delicious Kebabs

Finally, the last step! It’s time to toss your skewers right onto those sizzling grates for the delicious, smokey flavor we all know and crave. 

Rotate the skewer every few minutes, or until the ingredients are charred to your liking. If basting, brush your kebabs once grill marks are established and after every turnover.

Learn more about the difference between direct and indirect heat on the grill and how to get those perfect grill marks — and never overcook your kebabs again.

Delicious Mushroom Kebab Recipes

If you’re looking for an excuse to use your grill a little more this summer, we’ve got a ton of delicious grilling recipes to get you started. 

And, if your heart is set on mushroom kebabs, we’ve got you covered! Our free cookbook, 10 Ways to Kebab with Mushrooms, includes more helpful tips for how to grill kebabs with mushrooms in addition to providing more delicious kebab recipes. Download the ebook today and start grilling!